Alzheimers & Dementia - Let me introduce you to my dear step-father Derek and my wonderful mother Anne...
Derek has been living with Alzheimer's Disease for more than a decade and my Mum is his full-time carer. Life is changing daily for them, and for us as a family, as the disease progresses. There isn't a cure! Derek and the 970,000 people living with dementia and Alzheimer's just have to adapt as their capabilities decrease and confusion takes over. The carers' responsibilities increase, with my Mum it has become 24/7, and it becomes more lonely and difficult as the disease and time progress.

I am running my 3rd London Marathon

... to raise money for Dementia Research Institute via Alzheimer’s Research UK as they are transforming the landscape of dementia forever through their research. Until the day we find a cure, we will create a society where those affected by dementia are supported and accepted, able to live in their community without fear or prejudice. Dementia is the fastest growing disease today, affecting many younger people as well as older people, with 1 person being diagnosed every 3 minutes! Please join us in supporting this cause and give as much as you can. I believe that we, together, can make the difference with dementia!